EZRouting system will roll over students automatically, but this function is available in case a manual rollover is needed. The rollover function under the operation menu is designed to manually move students from one school year to the next, updating both their grade level and school.
The rollover menu looks like this:
Before performing the rollover, it is important to make sure that each school has the correct grade levels and feed school. A feed school is a school that students will go to after they graduate from their previous school. After reviewing feed school and grade info, you can also make changes to the selected students by clicking the green ticks next to their names. Click the green SAVE button once you are satisfied with all settings.
How to adjust feed school and grade?
To adjust feed school: Go to the school tab, open the student record that you need to adjust feed school for, then modify its feed school field.
To adjust feed grade: Go to the settings page, open the general menu, click grade. Open one grade record and modify its feed grade.
How to check if a student is rolled over correctly?
To check if a student's school and grade info are updated correctly for the next school year, you can open the student record and click the school and grade to view the info of all school years/sessions.
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