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Group Assign

Group assign is designed to assign a group of students in a similar geographic region to a single stop and route. You can choose to filter the students you would wish to find or simply navigate around the map. After clicking the ‘group assign’ button in the operations menu, you will be prompted to draw a polygon around the students you wish to assign. It is required that the number of students is less than one hundred. Once you have drawn the polygon, you will be prompted to choose a suitable stop for these students.
This can be done by:

  1. Selecting a stop from the provided dropdown list
  2. Picking the stop on the map
  3. Clicking the ‘+’ button to create a new stop directly on the map.

Once you have done this, you can click the ‘add to trips’ button. You will then be prompted to select a suitable route for this group of students. You will be informed if the student’s or student’s school(s) are not currently included in the route, as well as if their stop is not currently included in the route. After you have done this, you will be prompted to select the best trips for these students to take on this route. You will also be provided with a visualization of the trip on the map. Once you are satisfied with your selections, be sure to click the ‘save’ button.


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