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Transportation Plans & Bus Schedules

Transportation plans enable the user to choose the pickup and drop-off stops a student “should” have along with an estimated time of when the student should be picked up. These transportation plans enable the user to be flexible in how often the plan repeats (weekly, monthly, etc.) and provide a date range for when this transportation should take place.

They are not necessarily the same as their Bus Schedule which is the actual Routing information for this student. You can create as many Transportation Plans as required, and for each one, you can set the desired pick up and drop off stops as well as the drop off time. Keep in mind that AM and PM trips are designated separately, and that AM trips last until 11:59 AM. Likewise, PM trips begin exactly at 12:00 PM, so if a bus leaves school at 12:00 PM, this is considered to be a PM trip. You can also change the recurrence of these plans and determine how often they should be repeated. If a stop has not yet been created for the student, you can click on the green plus button to create a stop at the student’s primary address, without ever having to navigate to the stops tab. When you are done creating the transportation plan or plans for the student, click the green save button.

If the student has no schedules set, the easiest way to add them is to click on Auto Generate in the transportation plan section. This will create a pair of plans to and from the student’s primary address and their attending school. The primary address can be found in the addresses tab. If you would like to change this address, just click Add Address, enter the information, and make sure to hit the check box for Primary Address. You’ll also need to select the checkbox to Create a stop here so that the system knows this address is also a bus stop. If this option is grayed out, that means the stop already exists. Now you can go back to Transportation Plans and click on Auto Generate, then save the changes.

Bus Schedules

Bus Schedules show the student’s actual Routing information. You can view each Trip this student will take including the pickup and drop-off locations and times. You can also see the recurrence of each of these trips which is even easier to visualize in the calendar view. In the event that they’re needed, you will also see buttons that allow you to Search & Add a Bus Schedule for this student and an option to Manually Add a Bus Schedule.

If a student does not currently have a bus schedule, you can click ‘search and add bus schedule’, which will provide a set of options for the student’s bus schedule. If no routes are found for the student, you can click on ‘add a planned stop to a route’ to add the student’s stop to an existing route that doesn’t currently stop at this stop. These routes will be listed with an estimated duration increase in the overall trip. Once you have selected the trips you would like the student to take, simply click ‘accept’.

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