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Filtering and Visualization

The student tab provides a variety of visual filters, including the ability to see parcels (individual house blocks on the map), color code students by school, visually show individual school boundaries, show school walk zones, show walking restrictions, and show custom regions. These tools can be helpful to see more clearly how students are distributed throughout the district.
Students can be filtered by the school they attend, the grade they are in, and the bus they ride. In addition to many powerful filter tools under Filter Menu.
You can also search for students through the search bar, which allows you to type in student information and gather the most relevant results. For example, you could look up a student by first and last name, student ID, or street they live on. This function is most helpful when trying to find one or two particular students, whereas the filters are more helpful for identifying groups of students.

Advanced Filter Tools

Filters – Custom Filters

The custom filter function allows you to have additional flexibility when filtering students. From the student’s tab, select filters. From here, you can choose any number of filters you would like to have. For example, you may want to select all students who are routed, but also do not have a linked parent. Once you have selected the filters you would like to save, click on filters, then ‘custom filters’. Click ‘save current filter’. You will be prompted to provide a name for this filter. Once you are done naming the filter, click ‘OK’. This filter can now be accessed in the future by going to filters, then custom filters, and finding the name you provided for the filter.

Filters – Custom Filters – Add/Edit Filter by Student Name

To add a custom filter by student name(s), you can go to the Students tab, then Filters > Custom Filters > Add/Edit Filter by Student Name. To create a new filter, , click ‘Add New Filter’ on the lower side of the window. Give your filter a name, and then search for the student(s) you’d like to add by typing into ‘Search Student by Name’. You can add as many students as you’d like. When you are finished making changes, click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the window. To access your filter in the future, go to Filters > Custom Filters and find the name you gave to your filter.

Filters – Custom Filters – Add/Edit Filter by Street

To add a custom student filter by street(s), you can go to the Students tab, then Filters > Custom Filters > Add/Edit Filter by Street. To create a new filter, click on ‘Add New Filter’. Give your filter a name, then type in the street name you would like to filter for. Click ‘Add to List’ to add the street to the filter. You can add as many streets as you’d like. You can also filter by street number to be odd, even, in a specified range, or all street numbers. When you are finished making changes, click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the window. To access your filter in the future, go to Filters > Custom Filters and find the name you gave to your filter.

Filters – General – Last Name starts with

For situations where you would like to filter students by last name, you can use the Last Name Starts With feature. To access this, go to the Students tab, then navigate to Filters > General > Last Name Starts With. From here, you can search for students by their last name. For example, "A-F" means to search students of last name starting with "A" to "F"; "An" means to search students of last name starting with "An". If you would like to save this filter for future reference, go to Filters > Custom Filters > Save Current Filter. Provide a name for the filter and click ‘OK’. In the future, you can access this filter by going to Filters > Custom Filters and finding the name you gave the filter.

Filters – General – Students Created After

If you would like to find all students created in the system after a particular date, you can use the ‘Students Created After’ function. Simply go to the Students tab, then go to Filters > General > Students Created After. You will be prompted to select the date you would like to filter for. Once you’ve done this, click the green ‘Search’ button. The students matching this filter will be displayed on the left. If you would like to save this filter for future reference, go to Filters > Custom Filters > Save Current Filter. Provide a name for the filter and click ‘OK’. In the future, you can access this filter by going to Filters > Custom Filters and finding the name you gave the filter.

Filters – General – Possible Duplicates

If you believe you may have duplicate records of students saved, you can filter for possibly duplicated student records. Go to the Students tab, then select Filters > General > Possible Duplicates. The system will automatically search for students that may be duplicated. Please note that not every student listed will necessarily be a duplicated record. For example, two different students that have the same name may show up as possible duplicates. If you would like to delete one duplicate record you have found, hover over the three dots by the student’s name, then click the pencil icon. At the top toolbar, you will see an option to delete the student record. Please keep in mind this action cannot be undone.

Filters – Custom Regions

The custom regions function allows you to have additional flexibility when geographically sorting students. To use this function, click on the Students tab, then select Filters. Next, select ‘custom regions’ from the dropdown menu. Click on ‘Define Regions’. To create a new custom region, select the plus sign. You will then be able to click and drag your mouse to select your custom region. You will then be able to name this region. Once you are satisfied with the region you have created, click the green save icon. To access the custom region again, navigate to filters, then Custom Regions, and find the region under the name you gave it.


EZRouting provides many features to display the geographically related info and present it on maps. When working in the Students tab, you can view boundaries while looking at the student information. The info expression is clearer and more intuitive. You can find the several Showing features under the operation menu, which includes the ability to see parcels (individual house blocks on the map), color code students by school, visually show individual school boundaries, show school walkzones, show walking restrictions, and show custom regions. These tools can be helpful to see more clearly how students are distributed throughout the district.
visualization-2 (1).png


Filtering unrouted riders outside walking zone for a specific school.

Under the student tab, combine these filters:

  • Filters – Riders;
  • Filters – Bus Schedules – Unrouted;
  • Filters – Location – Outside Walking Zone;
  • Schools – The target school

After combining these filters, the filter info will also show up in the search bar. The blue dots of corresponding students will stay on the map.
Showing walkzone boundary up can be helpful to see more clearly how students are distributed throughout the district.

example (1).png

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