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Approving Overnight/Out-of-State trips after Board Approval

Approving Overnight/Out-of-State trips after Board Approval

To approve or Deny an Overnight/Out-of-State trip, you must be listed in the location tables as the Overnight/Out-of-State Approver. To approve the Overnight/Out-of-State trips, click on the Trip Approval tab.

You will get an email notification about the approval as well and can click the link in the email to go directly to the trip(s) that need your attention.

You will be defaulted to the option Waiting on My Approval   
You will be shown a list of trips that require your approval. Click anywhere on the trip information to open the trip request.
Scroll to the bottom to the Approval Section.
Enter comments if desired.
To approve the trip request, click on the circle to the left of “Approved”.
To deny the request, click on the circle to the left of “Denied”.  If you deny a trip, you should enter the reason why in the comment area.  These comments will be emailed back to the requestor along with the indication that the trip has been denied.
Once you select your option you will see the Approved/Denied decision, your name (email address) and the date.

You can click on Print to print the trip request.
Click on Save and Close to submit/save the request.


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