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Quick Tips for Customizing and Using the Permission Slip (Admin use only)

The Travel Tracker makes printing field trip permission slips quick and easy. The trip requester has the ability to print the permission slip if the option has been turned on in the Travel Tracker. Use this guide to help you prepare the permission slip for use in your district. 

When the permission slip is printed, the top portion of the slip will automatically include the details of the trip (date, time, teacher’s name, destination, cost, etc.)

The trip requester may add additional wording in the trip request form that will be added to the permission slip. For example, “Meet at the gym. Wear comfortable shoes.”

The bottom portion of the slip automatically includes a request for the parent/guardian signature.


The middle portion of the permission slip, the “message,” can be customized. Click on the Configuration tab. Choose the Permission Slip Message option.
The permission slip message, made up of three parts (top, middle and bottom), already includes generalized verbiage that is typical on most permission slips. Each part can be customized by transportation admin. Simply enter the text that you want to include on your district’s permission slip.

The middle section has three text boxes for added customization. This will allow more flexibility on spacing since the text boxes don't recognize carriage returns.

Be sure to click Save.

To allow requesters to print the permission slip from the trip request, you need to turn on this option.

Under the Configuration tab, choose Other Setup Decisions.
Scroll down to the “Trip Request Form Section.” Find the question about the permission slip and click on the circle to the left of YES.

 Remember to click Save at the bottom of the page.


After a trip is APPROVED, the requester will be able to Download Permission Slip and then print.


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