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Submitting a request for an athletic trip

Submitting a request for an athletic trip

Login using your link for Travel Tracker.
Your email address is your user name. Use the password that you created when you registered.


To submit a request, click on the Main tab.
Click on “Submit a request”


The note at the top of the Travel Request Form will give you the transportation contact person and phone number.

Select Travel with students. Click on the drop down box and choose the trip type of Athletic.
Note – Any field designated with an * is a required field.
Check the athletic event(s) that you are scheduling the trip for.

Click on calendar and select trip leave date.  Click on clock and select trip leave time.  The Trip return date will auto-fill with the same date as the trip leave date.  If the trip will be an overnight trip, click on the calendar and select the correct return date.  Click on clock and select trip return time.

Is the trip overnight, out-of-state or extended day?  Note: This question can be customized by your district.  This is an example of how it may read.
Is the trip Out of County?
**Note – out of state, overnight and out of county trips may require additional levels of approval.  Depending on how your system is configured, there may be a certain number of lead days required for an overnight/out of state trip.

In the comments box, you can note details such as multiple stops. If you are making multiple stops that will affect the round trip mileage, adjust the mileage in the Approximate Number of Miles Round Trip box.

Click the drop down box and select your school or department.  **This is very important as this determines the field trip approver for routing.

Select your destination from the dropdown menu.  Common destinations are in a table created by your Transportation Dept.
If your destination is not listed, enter it in the “Destination Not Listed” Box.  Note that if you type an address or location in this box, Google Maps will display matching locations.  You can either click on one of the matching locations, or continue to type in the address.
If the destination is picked from the drop down box, the mileage will automatically calculate.  If you type in your own destination, you will need to click on the calculate button to calculate the mileage. The mileage will calculate if both your location and the destination locations have addresses listed.
If the destination that you have entered, calculates a mileage that is more than 500 miles, you will get a message when you submit your trip.  If the destination and the mileage are correct, click on OK.  If the destination and mileage are not correct, click on Cancel and adjust your destination.
If the mileage does not calculate, enter the approximate mileage in the box.
Click on the Get Directions box to show printable driving directions. Click on the Print button to print the directions.


Your district has the option to require a funding source for athletic events.  If this option is on your screen, select the drop down box and choose an option.  This selection will automatically fill in the account code and the funding approver box.

Complete the number of male/female students and adults attending the trip.

Your district may only use the number of individuals making trip.

Indicate if you need to reserve vehicles.

The pickup date and time boxes will auto fill based on your initial selections.  If you are picking up the bus earlier or will be dropping it off later than the times listed, please adjust these times.
Click on the drop down box to select the type(s) of vehicles needed– yellow bus, activity bus, charter bus, car, etc. Note – if yellow bus is not an option on your system, you can enter a comment to indicate that you would like to use a yellow bus.
Enter the number of vehicles needed.
The vehicle owner for your location will be listed.
If the question “Do you need a driver assigned?” has been activated on your system, you will be required to answer Yes or No. You will also have a comment box where you can note any vehicle driver information.
Indicate if a lift is needed.
Indicate if there are any special needs for this trip.
“Will you be using external transportation?” refers to transportation other than a school owned vehicle such as parent vehicles or chartered transportation.

If you would like a hard copy of your request, click on the Print button.
Submit the request.

If there are any items on the form that have not been filled in correctly, you will see messages above the Submit button.  Scroll up through the form to find the errors and correct.  Click on Submit.

You will see the message briefly that the trip request has been saved.



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