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Printing Permission Slips and Directions

Printing Permission Slips and Directions

Once a trip has been approved, a permission slip and trip directions can be printed.  From the menu options select “Your Trip Requests”.  Click anywhere on the trip.  Scroll to the section of the form where the Destination information is located.

Click on the Get Directions button to print out the directions to your destination.  

You can get outbound directions or get return directions

Once you click to get your directions you will need to click Print 
To print the permission slip, click on Download Permission Slip.
When you click on Download Permission Slip a new window will open.
Click on the Download Permission Slip (Spanish version may be available if your district has it turned on) button on this screen to open the Permission slip.  This may take a few seconds.  If you are using the Internet Explorer browser, use the “Save” option – otherwise you can use the “Open” option.


The permission slip is in a format that can be edited, in a Word document. If you receive a security message when you open the document, click on Enable Editing.

 This portion of the permission slip has been created from the
trip request. If you added
additional information in your
trip request, it will be listed here.

You can add cost information to the permission slip and then print it using the Word print function.

The permission slip was designed so that the parents can keep the top half and return the bottom half.



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