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How do I Create a Duplicate Trip Request

How to Create a Duplicate Trip Request 

If you have several trips to schedule that contain the same information but occur on different dates, you can use the “Create Duplicate Request” option.
Go to the Main tab and select Your Trip Requests - on the left side of your screen. Use the sort options to help you find the trip that you want to duplicate.
Find your trip and select that trip by clicking the blue trip number.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select “Create Duplicate Request”

Also, notice there is an information bubble beside of the button - if you put your cursor over it you will see a helpful hint about using the duplicate feature 
The trip will be assigned a new trip number. Enter the new leave date and time along with the new return date and time and make changes to any of the other information on the form, ex. destination, any other class size info, etc.

Click Save and Close to create your new trip request.


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