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Paying Invoices / Seeing Invoice History - Admin Users (Transportation admins)

Paying Invoices / Seeing Invoice History

Click on the Invoices tab to see all invoice information.
The invoices are broken out by Non-Yellow buses and Yellow Buses. You can also view approved trips by trip number and you can display special invoices along with many other options. All of these options are on the left side of the screen.

On the Not Approved for Payment option you will see a filter box where you can narrow your search down. Once you have filtered for what you want to see you must click the Apply Filters button in order to filter and get the results you are looking for.

Invoices are compiled into a monthly total that shows in this list. For example, the invoice number is the school number, 2 digit year and 2 digit month and then a letter that indicates if it is athletic, Field trip or staff trip. So Invoices for school 309 for Mar., Apr., June, July, and Oct 2018 would look like the screenshot to the right 3091803F (filed trips) 3091804A (athletic trips) etc.

This list allows you to easily identify which invoices still have trips where the payment has not been posted. Invoices that show an amount due have trips associated with them that are ready to be paid.

Each monthly invoice is comprised of individual trips from that month. Click on an invoice number to open the details.

Each invoice provides detailed information regarding the individual trips that comprise the invoice.  These trips may be marked as paid from this screen as well.  You can add a reference number by filling in the reference number box.  If you want to pay for multiple trips on one check, you can do it from this screen – simply click on box next to Paid in the Approvals/Payments column.
Once you have marked an invoice item as Paid, and confirmed the changes, it will be marked with a green $.
Note – you can print the invoice if needed.

From the Invoices tab, you also have the option to see all approved invoices by trip number.
You can display special invoices by clicking on the Display Special Invoices option. These are special invoices that have been created for things such as vehicle maintenance or mileage adjustment.

You will then see a filter box where you can filter for specific trips if needed.


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