Generating Route Reports
Route reports can be generated easily in Travel Tracker Routing. Here is also a video on generating route reports. | |
Route reports can be generated in multiple formats. To access route reports, go to the Routes tab and select Operations and then Route Reports. |
There are a variety of route reports. The Export Routes provides the most flexibility in generating route sheets. |
Select the Format of the report (typically PDF, but you can select .CSV file), whether to include AM&PM (or select just AM or just PM). |
There are options to select to determine what information to show on the route report. Note – the driver notes are notes that are included on the individual student records. |
You can also select the font size |
By default, the system will select all routes in the list below. You can click the check at the top of the list to un-select all routes and then select the one(s) you want to print. |
Click on Generate |