Sending Parent Registration Links
For parents to have access to the Parent Portal, administrators must send out a link to the parent. Each link is specific to a particular student. Links can be sent to one student at a time, or to groups of students. | |
To send a link to an individual student:
You will receive a confirmation message. Click on Yes to send the parent registration link.
To send the parent portal link to multiple parents: Go to the Students tab and filter for the students you want to send the parent registration link to. For example, if you wanted to send parent registration links to all new Kindergartner students, you might filter on Grades, Kindergartner. |
You can see how many students you have filtered for using the counters. In this case, there are 81 students selected. |
Click on the operations filter and select “Send Parent Register Links”. In our example, we would send the registration link to the primary contact for all 81 students we were filtered for. |
The list will be provided as confirmation. Note that you can individually remove students by clicking on the green check mark next to a student’s name.
Click on the green email icon at the top to send the links.
Click on the icon to reset a password if needed for a parent.
This is an example of the email that is sent. The subject is “Parent Registration”. The parent will click on the link provided in the email to access the parent portal. |