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Moving stops from one route to another EASILY!

Did you know that you can move stops from one route to another easily?  This will move the stop and the students assigned to the stop.     To do this, go to the Routes tab and turn on visibility of the routes that you want to work with.  For example, if you want to move stops from Bus 1 to Bus 2, turn on visibility for both routes.

Then go to Operations, Manually Adjust Routes

Select the route that you want to move the stops from (in this example, Bus 01) and then select the route that you want to move them to (in this example, Bus 02). Then select the appropriate trips (i.e. AM or PM)


You will see the stops listed.  Scroll down on the stops on the left side (Bus 01 in this case).  When you  find the stops you want to move hover over the stop and click on the arrow on the right side of the stop name.





Click Save Changes

You can now go into either route and reorder stops or make adjustments!



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