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How to run a report from the Travel Tracker "Reports" tab :

Start by clicking the Reports tab :

You will notice that you are on the Assignments/Trips option on the left side of your screen :

You must select a fiscal year in order to download any report from your Travel Tracker system - for this example we will use 2019-2020 fiscal year - (notice that you can also select other options before exporting if needed) - when finished filtering you must click Apply Filters to bring in the filtered information :

Now that the fiscal year and any other filters have been selected, and you have applied the filters, you will see that there are trips listed on the screen - at this time you can click the Export to Excel (Windows) button or if you are using a Mac you can click Export to Excel (Mac) button :

At this time you will notice a message pops up just letting you know that it may take a little while for your report to download and the button will be grey which means that you cannot click to export again You need to click OK on the message before your report begins to download :


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