Any time that you are viewing the school information, you can turn on or off the school and district boundaries. Click on the operations filter and turn on the indicators as needed. For example, to visually see the school boundaries, check the box for “Show Boundary”.
Note – you can also Show Students which can be helpful when looking at redistricting. |
The “Show Boundary” will show the school boundaries. The “Show District Boundary” will show the entire district boundaries.
In this example, we are looking at all schools and all boundaries. |
If we filter for a particular school and then show the boundaries, we will see only the boundary for that school along with the district boundary (in dotted lines). |
Showing Students on the map with the location boundary
While we are viewing the information in the Schools tab, we can also turn on the option to view the student information for the school(s) that we are filtered on. For example, while filtered for Blue Moon Elementary School, I can also see the students for this school. |
To see the students on the map with the location, click on the Operations filter in the Schools tab. Select “Show Students” |