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Sending Real-Time Notifications to Drivers in Travel Tracker Routing

Sending Real-Time Notifications to Drivers

You can send text and/or email notifications to your drivers either individually or to a filtered list of drivers.  To send an email notification to a single driver, locate the driver in the Staffs tab.     Hover over the 3 dots to the right of the driver name and click on the Notification icon.


To notify all of your drivers or a filtered list of drivers, select the Operations sub-menu and select “Real-time Notifications”.

Type your message in the Message area.


Notice the Type filter located on this screen.  You can filter to send the message to only particular types of drivers – for example Full Time Drivers.

The list of drivers will show on the bottom portion of the screen.  Note:  You can individually de-select drivers that you do not want to send notifications to.


Select text and/or email and click on the Send button.


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