Funding Management
We have provided several useful options under the Funding Management tab. |
We have provided an easy way for the Funding Approver to send payment for an invoice. Click on the Funding Management tab and you will be defaulted to the Pending Payment option (on the left side of your screen). You will be viewing your invoices with the invoice status of Approved for Payment. This will provide a list of all trips that have been released by transportation for payment. You will also notice that there is a button that you can click on the is called "Tips for Paying Invoices" |
From this screen, you can mark invoices as sent by putting a check in the box next to Sent. You will see the Pending Change message. This means that you must click on the Confirm Changes button before you leave the page. You will then see another box where you must click OK. |
If you need to review the invoice or would like to add a comment, you can click on the trip number to open the invoice. The top part of the invoice indicates the Trip number, destination, Date and trip requestor and the additional funding information. The funding source and funding code can be edited here. The Ending Vehicle Use section shows the breakdown of charges for this trip. The total cost indicates the payment that is due for this trip. |
Scroll to the bottom and you will see the information for payment. When you are sending a check for this trip, click on the Payment Sent button. This will indicate to the person receiving the payment that you have sent a check for this. You also have the option to add a comment and check number that will be seen by the person posting the payment. Note the Invoice Number and trip number in orange. You can include the invoice number and trip number on the check if you would like. The Print button at the bottom will allow you to print a copy of the invoice if needed. Once you click on Payment sent you will see your userid and the date and time listed in the “Payment Sent By”. Click on the Save and Close button to submit the payment and return to the Invoicing screen. |
The Waiting on My Trip Approval option under the Funding Management Tab gives the same view that you have from the Trip Approval Tab. |
Once a trip has been approved, it will be removed from the Waiting on My Trip Approval screen. If you need to view the trip again, you can click on the menu option Trip Requests under the Funding Management tab. This will give a list of all the trips, regardless of status, that have Funding Approval. |
The Assignment Inquiry option under the Funding Management tab allows you to view all the vehicle assignments that required your funding approval. You have the option to sort by any criteria listed in the big filter box. |