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Editing Route Information in Travel Tracker Routing

Editing Route Information

To edit a route, hover over the 3 dots to the right of the route name.  Click on the edit icon (pencil).


The individual trips (route segments) will be listed for the route.  In this case, the AM and PM trip.


Click anywhere on the trip to expand the trip information.


This will list out each stop on the route along with the time of the stop, address, number of students picked up and dropped off, average speed and the duration and distance to the next stop.


Click on the ADDRESS of the stop to modify the time, directions or students assigned to this stop.  A panel will open at the bottom with additional options and tabs.




To modify the stop name, simply edit the name listed.  In many cases the stop name will be the same as the address name, but for special locations such as a park or particular building, you may want to name the stop to identify the location.  Changing the stop name here changes the stop name in the Stops tab as well.

To modify the time of a stop, click on the time.  A clock will appear.  To adjust the minutes, click on the



Click on the 20 on the clock to change the time to 06:20




To update the time of the trip stops following this one, click on “Update time of following tripstops”.



Click on the save button.




To adjust the location of the stop, click on the Edit location icon.


The stop will turn red on the map.     Click and drag the red dot to the correct location. Then click on the red Edit Location icon to save.





Note:  Use the street view icon to view the street view of this stop.








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