Notifications can be sent by email or text (additional charge for text messages) to the primary contact of a student. You can also send the student contacts, send a copy to the driver or to the primary school contact. Each time you send notifications you can choose who to send the message to. |
Sending Real Time Notification to the parent of an individual student
To send an individual notification to the parent of a student, first locate the student in the Students tab.
Hint: Type a portion of the student’s name in the Search box.
Locate the student in the list and hover over the 3 dots to the right of the name. Click on the Notification icon. |
Type in the message in the Message area. |
Alternatively, you can click on the “Default bus schedule template” to include student drop off and pickup information if you have added or adjusted the student’s route.
The default bus schedule template will be populated with the student’s name and route agenda when the email is sent.
Note – you can modify or add to the student agenda template after it has been added to the message section to add additional information to the email. |
The primary parent contact information will be listed for reference.
Check to send Email and/or text to the parent. You can also send an email to the driver, to all contacts for the student or to the primary contact at the school. Note: Texting is an add-on feature with an additional fee.
Click on the Send button to send the notifications. |
Note: If you have a student record open, you can also send a notification using the “Notification” button in the sub-menu bar. |
Sending Real Time Notifications to a group of parents
Notifications can also be sent to a group of students (parents of students). Any group of students that you filter for can be sent emails – for example, all new Kindergartners for the year. |
Sending Notifications to a filtered list of Students
From the Students tab, use the search and/or filter options to narrow down the list of students to the students that need to be sent a message. For example, if we want to send a welcome message to new Kindergartner students we could filter on the Grades and select Kindergarten. |
The list of students will then only contain Kindergartners. Note the count at the top to determine how many students will be sent emails. |
Use the Operations filter and select “Real-Time Notifications” |
You could send a simple “Welcome” message to the parents of these students, or send a current agenda of the students |
To send all student agendas or bus assignments in the email or message,, click on the Message Templates button and select the Default bus schedule template. |
The primary parent contact information will be listed for each student. You can uncheck any entries that you do not want to send to.
Check to send Text and/or Email to the parent. You can also send a copy of the email to the driver, additional student contacts or the primary contact at the schools Note: Texting is an add-on feature with an additional fee.
Click on the Send button to send the notifications. |
To send real time notifications to parents of students on a particular bus
If you have a bus that is having issues and running late, you can send real time notifications to all students associated with that bus. | |
Click on the Vehicles tab. |
Locate the vehicle in the list, or search for the vehicle using the vehicle number or name in the search box.
Hover over the 3 dots to the right of the vehicle name and select the Notification icon. |
The primary parent contact information will be listed for each student that rides this bus. You can uncheck any entries that you do not want to send to.
Check to send Text and/or Email to the parent. You can also send an email to the driver. Note: Texting is an add-on feature with an additional fee.
Click on the Send button to send the notifications. |
To send real-time notifications to all students at a school
There are several ways to send notifications to students at a particular school. To send a notification to students at a school, go to the Schools Tab and find the school in the list. Hover over the 3 icons and select the Notification icon. |
Click on the Filters to make your selections of which students to send a message to. |
Select your options on this screen. For example, you could send this to all students in a particular grade and based on ridership. Narrow down your selections and click on the Search button. |
The list on the bottom half of the screen will show you which students you are sending to and how many (the counters above the list). Note that you can individually uncheck particular students if you need to remove them from this notification. |
Type your message in the Message area. Indicate if you want to send Text and/or Email and if you want to also send an email to the driver, additional student contacts or the school contact. Click on the Send button to send the notification. |
Sending Real-Time Notifications to parents after a particular stop on a route
You can also send notifications to parents based on a particular stop in a route. For example, if a bus breaks down at stop number 8 on a route, you may want to notify parents from that stop forward that the stop will be late. | |
Go to the Routes tab |
Hover over the 3 dots to the right of the route that you are working with. Click on the Edit icon to open the route. |
Click on the trip to open the AM or PM trip. |
Click on the stop where the issue occurred. This will open the Trip Stop Details at the bottom. |
Click on the Notifications icon in the Trip Stop Details section. |
The notifications window will open on the right side of the screen. At this point, the contacts at the bottom of the screen are from the selected stop forward. To verify this, click on the Filters area at the top of the notification window.
Type your message or use a message template to create your message and click on Send. |