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Release Notes - July 2020

NEW FEATURE – Filter by letter of last name!

As many of you have been trying to adjust schedules for alternating groups of students, we wanted you to be aware that there is a new filter for the students so that you can select a group of students based on the last letter of their name.  This is wonderful if you want to create a user defined field for MT or WTh.  For example, if students with the last name beginning with A-L are in the MT group, you could create a user defined field for MT.  Then go to the students and filter select General and Last Name Starts With.


Tip:  To see how to create a user defined field – see this video:



Type in the letters that you are grouping together.  Click on Search.

Now that you are filtered, we will use the batch edit to set all of these students to MT.





Scroll down to see the User Defined Fields – Note you must be in your Default Scenario to batch edit the User Defined Fields!








Click the Green save icon


In this example, we set the MT field to Yes



Tip:  Watch a video on using the Batch Editing Feature:





There is a new sheet that can be printed called a Student Sheet.  This will provide a one page sheet for each student containing student information and bus schedules.    


This can be accessed for an individual student by hovering over the 3 dots and using the new icon on the far left.

This is an example of the student sheet.

This can be printed for multiple students by filtering for the appropriate students and then going to the Students, Operations,  and selecting the Student Sheet.



Moving stops from one route to another

Did you know that you can move stops from one route to another easily?  This will move the stop and the students assigned to the stop.     To do this, go to the Routes tab and turn on visibility of the routes that you want to work with.  For example, if you want to move stops from Bus 1 to Bus 2, turn on visibility for both routes.

Then go to Operations, Manually Adjust Routes

Select the route that you want to move the stops from (in this example, Bus 01) and then select the route that you want to move them to (in this example, Bus 02). Then select the appropriate trips (i.e. AM or PM)


You will see the stops listed.  Scroll down on the stops on the left side (Bus 01 in this case).  When you  find the stops you want to move hover over the stop and click on the arrow on the right side of the stop name.





Click Save Changes

You can now go into either route and reorder stops or make adjustments!




If you have been working to create your routes in a sandbox and now want to move them to your default scenario, you will want to first make a BACKUP of your default scenario in case you want to use it again.  To do this, go to the year/semester in the upper right.


Click on the edit/add new



Choose the correct year/semester in the list.

We are basically going to add a new Sandbox and copy the stops and routes from the default scenario.  Click on Add Sandbox. Name it something like BACKUP DEFAULT on xx/xx/xxxx

Be sure to copy BOTH STOPS AND ROUTES.  Click on Create.

Click on the year/semester indicator again.  Click edit/add new.

Click Reset Default

Select the sandbox that you want as the new default.  Click Apply.

We are ok with this warning because we have a backup.  Right?? ?     Click on Yes.

Click on the year/semester and go to your Default.  This is your new live scenario!

NOTE:  ROUTES CANNOT BE AUTO GENERATED IN THE LIVE SCENARIO.     Be sure that you have completed in auto generation activities before moving your scenario to the default.



Adjustments to the auto generation (from a few weeks ago):

The number of vehicles is no longer a constraint for auto generations. Let's say, there are only  10 buses, but the Auto Generate Routes needed 12 buses, the system will automatically add two buses to this sandbox only. If you apply this sandbox, the 2 new buses will also be added to the default vehicles tab.  You can later delete these vehicles, but this is helpful if you want to generate routes and then move them to a tier on another route.


Auto Generate Routes allow generation group by group. Previously, new auto generate routes would override all existing routes. With this new release, newly generated routes will add to the existing routes, rather than replacing them. So you can generate routes group by group. E.g, you can generate routes for the ES first, then the MS, then the HS.  Another use for this would be if you are generating routes for a MT group and then a WTh group.


Students can be deleted/hidden from one school session while still keep the historical record.  You now can delete students from one school session. The students will be deleted from this school session and onward. If you go back to previous sessions, you will still see the students. This function is useful to deleted the graduated students / withdrawn students in 2020-2021 while still keep their records in 2019-2020.


Bus Depots will always be copied to sandboxes. We have noticed that clients may still need to use depots even when they choose not to copy the regular stops into the sandbox. So with this release, depot stops will also be copied to sandboxes.  




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