Assigning a Vehicle
Under the Vehicle Owners Tab, the Transportation Administrator and/or the Vehicle Owner has the option to see any trips that require a vehicle assignment. If transportation is listed in a school’s table under the Vehicle Order of Assignment, those trips will show up under Pending Vehicle Assignment. If a trip is waiting on a vehicle assignment and the person responsible for that assignment is unavailable, the transportation administrator has the authority to make that assignment. To see any trips that require a vehicle assignment you need to make sure you are on Pending Vehicle(s) option on the left side of the screen. Trips can be sorted by vehicle owner. |
Click on the trip that needs a vehicle assignment and then scroll through the trip request form until you get to the Reserve Vehicles section. The location used to Reserve vehicles will be the requesting location or a next location as listed in the location table. The Transportation Administrator has the option to reserve a vehicle from any location. Click on the drop down arrow in the Location Used to Reserve Vehicle field to select a different location. Click on the Find Available Vehicles button to see vehicles available at that location. |
Note: Move the mouse over the you will get additional info about assigning a vehicle with a lift when multiple vehicles are requested.. |
Select the vehicle that you wish to assign by clicking the star beside of the vehicle - the star will turn yellow once selected Then click on Reserve Selected Vehicle. |