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Assigning a Vehicle - Admin use and Vehicle Owner use

Assigning a Vehicle

Under the Vehicle Owners Tab, the Transportation Administrator and/or the Vehicle Owner has the option to see any trips that require a vehicle assignment.  If transportation is listed in a school’s table under the Vehicle Order of Assignment, those trips will show up under Pending Vehicle Assignment.  If a trip is waiting on a vehicle assignment and the person responsible for that assignment is unavailable, the transportation administrator has the authority to make that assignment.

To see any trips that require a vehicle assignment you need to make sure you are on Pending Vehicle(s) option on the left side of the screen. Trips can be sorted by vehicle owner.


Click on the trip that needs a vehicle assignment and then scroll through the trip request form until you get to the Reserve Vehicles section.  The location used to Reserve vehicles will be the requesting location or a next location as listed in the location table.  The Transportation Administrator has the option to reserve a vehicle from any location.  Click on the drop down arrow in the Location Used to Reserve Vehicle field to select a different location.  

Click on the Find Available Vehicles button to see vehicles available at that location.


Note: Move the mouse over the
 you will get additional info about assigning a vehicle with a lift when multiple vehicles are requested..

Select the vehicle that you wish to assign by clicking the star beside of the vehicle - the star will turn yellow once selected

Then click on Reserve Selected Vehicle.


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