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Administrators: Using the District Calendar

The District Calendar is a great way to see your trips by date. Since it is a district-wide calendar, it is useful for determining potential dates for scheduling a trip. 

To access the District Calendar, navigate to the Calendars tab.

Depending on your district’s settings, you may have access to the Trip Calendar, Vehicle Calendar, and Driver Calendar. This guide focuses on the Trip Calendar. 
Trip Calendar: Shows trips by trip number. Vehicle Calendar: Shows trips by vehicle number. Driver Calendar: Shows trips by driver name.

There are four different views for the Trip Calendar: Day, Week, Month, 4 Days. 
Day: Displays one day of trips. Week: Displays 7 days of trips. Month: Displays a month of trips. 4 Days: Display trips for the next 4 days.

You can filter the Trip Calendar by School, Trip Type, Trip Event, and Zone by clicking the drop-down arrows.  

The same color codes for trip status apply to the Trip Calendar. 


Green: Approved & Assigned  

Blue: Approved but not Assigned  

Orange: Pending Approval  

Yellow: Waiting on Quote/Changes Requested (Not Submitted)  

Red: Canceled/Denied 

If a date has been blocked, it will show in red at the top of the list for that day. 

If there are more trips than can be seen on a particular day, the system will show a “# more” at the bottom of that day. Clicking this brings you to the daily view.

Clicking on the calendar entry will display detailed information about the trip. 


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