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Configuring Chaperone Rules

Chaperone rules allow the district to monitor the adult-to-student ratio on trips. A field trip requestor will get the error messages below if they violate the rules.  The requestor must adjust their ratios and/or the type of chaperones before the field trip request can be submitted.

Chaperone Rules are set by grade level and cannot overlap. For example, if you already have a grade level set for Pre-K through 1st Grade, you will not have the option to set another rule for those grade levels.

To set up Chaperone Rules, click on the half-person icon in the top right-hand corner. Select the Settings option in the dropdown list.

Go to Trip Request Form- Chaperone Rules in the dropdown menu on the top left of the settings page.

To add a new Chaperone Rule, click Add Chaperone Rule.

First, select the grade levels you want to apply the rule to. In this case, we do not have the option to add a rule for Pre-K through 5th grade because we already have rules established for those grades. The rules cannot overlap grades.

Next, set the adults-to-students ratio. You can edit these numbers by typing in the text boxes. It may be easiest to determine how many students per 1 adult is standard for trips in your district. 

If you have an uneven number of students, say 13, the second line determines how many adults are needed for the additional three students. In this case, there is one adult per additional four students. This means we do not need an extra adult for the three extra students.

The final question refers to requiring at least one female for female students and one male for male students. Select yes or no, depending on if your district requires this.

Save your changes.


Once you set the rules, the section for these grade levels should look like these examples. However, your grade level selections and ratios will vary based on your district’s standards.

Pre-K through 1st Grade:

2nd-5th Grade:

6th-8th Grade:

Example of Message for Requester:

Chaperone Rules are set by grade level and cannot overlap. For example, if you already have a grade level set for Pre-K through 1st Grade, you will not have the option to set another rule for those grade levels.


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