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Canceling Trip(s) for a Select Day or Batch ID

With EZActivityTrips, it is easy to cancel trips for a specific day if school is canceled due to weather or other circumstances. Navigate to the Trips tab. 

On the Trips tab, go to Operations – Cancel Trip Requests. 

Cancel Trip(s) for a Select Date

To cancel trips for a select date, stay on the select date panel. Click the “Date” search bar to open the calendar. 

Select the date for which you need to cancel trips. Click “OK.” 

After selecting the date, the cancel box will show a list of all trips on this date. You can de-select specific trips by clicking the checkbox to the left of the trip number. Put your reason for canceling the trip(s) in the textbox.  Click “Cancel Trips.” 

Confirm the cancelation by clicking “Yes.” 

You should see a message confirming the successful cancelation of the trip(s). 

Cancel Trips Under a Select Batch ID

You can also cancel recurring trips under a specific Batch ID. Open the “Select Batch ID” panel in the Cancel Trip Requests window. Click “Batch ID” to open the dropdown list of all current Batch IDs in your system. 

Select the affected Batch ID from the dropdown list. 

After selecting the Batch ID, the cancel box will show a list of all trips associated with this ID. You can de-select specific trips by clicking the checkbox to the left of the trip number. Put your reason for canceling the trip(s) in the textbox.  Click “Cancel Trips.” 

Confirm the cancellation by clicking “Yes.” 

You should see a message confirming the successful cancellation of the trip(s). 


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