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How to Assign Two Vehicle Types: With a Lift and Without

When you log in to TravelTracker-Trips, the system automatically directs you to your dashboard. Your dashboard shows any trips needing assignments, upcoming scheduled assignments, and the vehicle schedule for today. Most day-to-day tasks can be completed through your Dashboard.

There are several ways to access trips in need of assignments. You may receive an email from TravelTracker-Trips informing you that a trip is ready for assignments. You can follow the hyperlink to access the trip in TravelTracker-Trips.

This is a sample email. What you receive may look slightly different.

From your Dashboard, you can also click on the “Ready to Assign” panel to see any trips needing vehicle assignments. The number in the red circle indicates how many trips are ready for assignments.

Once in the “Ready to Assign” panel, click on the trip number to assign vehicles.

This takes you to the “Reserve Vehicles” page, where you can assign vehicles and drivers. If you are not on the Reserve Vehicles page, click the bus icon on the right-hand side of the screen to access it. The Location Used to Reserve Vehicles is set to your location. (Transportation administrators can select and change this location if needed). Click “Find Available Vehicles.”

The available vehicles list will automatically filter by the requested vehicle type. You can clear this filter by clicking the “X” in the Vehicle Type filter menu.

If you need one vehicle with a lift and one without, you can assign them in either order. In this case, we will assign the lift vehicle first since our list is already filtered for vehicles with lifts.

Check the box to the left of the vehicle with a lift you’d like to assign. 

Before reserving the lift vehicle and driver, uncheck the “w/Wheelchair Lift” box. Your list should now show vehicles without wheelchair lifts. Check the box next to the vehicle you’d like to assign.

Click “Reserve 2 Vehicles & Driver(s)” or “Reserve 2 Vehicles”

Reserve 2 Vehicles & Driver(s) will assign the selected vehicles and their assigned drivers.
Reserve 2 Vehicles will only assign the vehicles. The drivers will need to be assigned separately.

Once you reserve a vehicle and driver, they will show in the “Assignments” section of the Trip Request.


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