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Using the Find Available Vehicle Tool without a Trip Request

Sometimes you need to see how many vehicles are available or if a specific vehicle is available on a particular date outside of a trip request. The Find Available Vehicles Tool can help with this.

Navigate to the Assignments tab.

Go to Operations – Find Available Vehicles

Fill out the estimated leave and return date and time for the potential trip. The list will automatically update to show the available vehicles.

This is required to see the available vehicles.

You can also fill out the Vehicle Type, Location, and if the potential trip needs a lift on the vehicle. The more information you fill out, the more specific your list will be. Once you select these items, the list will automatically update to show you available vehicles matching your criteria.

The list will show how many vehicles are available, matching your criteria for that day.

Right above the list is a summary of trips for that day.

# Vehicles Unassigned: The total number of vehicles unassigned for the selected day(s).
Approved: Total approved trips for the selected day(s).
Pending Approval: Total trips pending approval for the selected day(s)

If you have more Approved and Pending Approval trips on this day than you have vehicles available, then you may want to let someone know that there are not enough vehicles for this day to request more trips.


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