The “Find Available Drivers” tool allows Administrators and Vehicle Owners to assign drivers to trips based on availability. This tool will not show drivers that are already assigned to trips that conflict with the trip in question.
Find Available Driver
To override a driver on a trip request, navigate to the trips page.
Locate the trip that needs a driver assignment. You can search for the trip number in the filters tab or scroll to locate the trip. Type the trip number in the search bar.
This will limit your trip list to just the trip number you’ve searched for.
Alternatively, you can filter for trips that need drivers by going to Filters – General – Needs Driver(s). This limits the trip list to just trips without driver assignments. It is a great way to have a list to work from if you’re a vehicle owner.
Open the trip record by clicking on the trip number.
Once inside the trip request, navigate to the assignments page by clicking the assignments button on the right of the screen.
At the bottom of the assignments page, click “Find Available Drivers.” If there is a Drop-Off and Return for this trip, you’ll want to use the “Find Available Drivers” for both legs.
Make sure no filters are applied to the list in the Find Available Drivers Panel. Filters may prevent drivers from showing in the driver list. Note that you can sort drivers by rotation or by name.
Click the “Reserve 1 Driver & Vehicles(s)” or the “Reserve 1 Driver” Button. If you just reserve the Driver, you’ll need to follow similar steps to reserve the vehicle for this trip.
Repeat this for the return leg of the trip if necessary.
Click “save” once you’ve assigned the correct driver. If you are also assigning vehicles, you can do that before you click save.