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How to Use the Override Tool to Assign a Driver to a Trip Request

A Transportation Administrator or Vehicle Owner can use the “override driver” button in a trip request to assign a driver. This method shows all drivers, regardless of current active assignments. It also allows Administrators and Owners to assign the driver even if they are assigned on another trip currently. Administrators or Vehicle Owners can use driver override to initial or replace an existing assignment. Overrides are recorded in the driver log and the trip audit history.

*Using the Override Driver option shows all drivers regardless of current assignments*

Using Override to Assign a Driver

To override a driver on a trip request, navigate to the trips page.

Locate the trip that needs a driver assignment. You can search for the trip number in the filters tab or scroll to locate the trip.
Go to Filters – General – Trip # to search for the trip. Type the trip number into the box and click “apply.”
This will limit your trip list to just the trip number you’ve searched for.

Open the trip record by clicking on the trip number.

Once inside the trip request, navigate to the assignments page by clicking the assignments button on the right of the screen.

At the bottom of the assignments page, click “Find Available Drivers.”

In the find Available Drivers Panel, click “Override.” If you’re still not seeing the driver you want to assign, make sure no filters are applied to the list. Filters may prevent drivers from showing in the driver list.

In the override list, find the driver you’d like to assign. Check the box to the left of the driver’s name, then click the “Reserve 1 Driver & Vehicle(s)” or “Reserve 1 Driver” button.

*If you are using the Override Driver option, it shows all drivers regardless of current assignments*

Click “save” once you’ve made your changes.


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