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Configuring Trip Time Messages

This table allows you to create a list of Trip Time Messages that will appear if a trip request is submitted with trip times in this range.  This will not prevent a user from submitting a trip during this time but will display a custom message if a trip is entered during this time frame. 

For example, if you want a message displayed if a trip is requested before 6:30 AM, you could add a trip time message.

Configuring Trip Time Messages

To set a Trip Time message, go to the half-person icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen. Click on “Settings.”

In the settings dropdown menu, select “Trip Request Form” then “Dates & Times.”

Click the “+” button to configure your message.

Select the Begin and End Times for your message. Trips requested within this timeframe will display your message or warning to the requestor.

Write your message in the message box. You can use this to warn requestors that their trip is outside of regular school hours or that their request conflicts with regular morning routes and may not be approved. 

Select which Trip Types this message applies to:

Be sure to click “Save” once all changes are complete.

Example of the Trip Time Message from a Requester's point of view:


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