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Creating Custom Fields on the Trip Request Form

You can add custom fields for information that doesn’t fit into the pre-built Trip Request Form.

Creating a Custom Field

To create a custom field for the Trip Request Form, click in the top right-hand corner of your webpage, where you see the half-person icon. From the dropdown menu, select settings.  

On the left-hand side of the settings page, use the dropdown menu to select “Trip Request Form” and then “Custom Form Fields.” 

You can add custom fields to any section of the trip request form. Click on the name of the sections you want to add a Custom Field to. 

Next, click the “+ Add Field” button to the right of the section list. 


Custom Fields can be marked as required or optional. Checking the “required” box means requesters must fill out the custom field to submit their trip request. 

Field Type

You can select the field type in the “Type” Dropdown menu. There are five options for Custom Field Type:Text, Number, Date, Checkbox, List 


Text is a free-form box where requesters can type anything requested of them. This can be a name to acknowledge requirements or information that won’t easily fall into the other categories. 


This option allows the requester to enter quantities for any requested information. This can include Staff IDs, additional phone number information, etc. Only numbers can be typed in this field. 


This field is for requesters to enter a specific date, like when the teacher intends to provide parents with a permission slip or when that permission slip is due. 


This is a true/false statement. A check means "yes/true." No check means "no/false."


The List option lets you create a custom dropdown list of choices. Requesters can then choose from that menu to answer the question. This field type requires more steps to build than the others. 


Once you’ve selected the list type, and titled your question, click on the gear button to the right of the field size. 


This is where you define your list of items. Type a list item, then click enter. They should all appear as separate gray bubbles. Once you’ve defined each item, click confirm.

Field Name/Question

Whatever label you type here is what the requester will see on the form. Make sure the description or question is clear. 

Field Size

This setting determines how large the question appears for your requesters. 

For shorter questions, smaller sizes are acceptable. If your question is longer, you may want to choose ½ up to Full Width. The fraction indicates how much of the width of the page the question will take up. “¼” is the smallest, while “Full Width” takes the entire width of the page. You can save and test each option if you aren’t sure what works best for your questions. 


The gear button next to the Field Size dropdown menu is where you determine additional settings for your custom questions. You can display the question for only specific trip types or make the question specific to Overnight or Out-of-State trips. If you’ve enabled the list field type, this is also where you define your list items.


After defining all criteria for your custom fields/questions, click save. 

Deleting a Custom Field

If you created a custom field and want to delete it, click the red trash can on the far right of the screen. Click “save” when you’re ready to delete the field permanently. 

Example from a Requester's Point of View for a Text Custom Form Field:

As stated, this is a freeform text box where requesters can type any information. 

Example from a Requester's Point of View for a Number Custom Form Field:

Only a number can be typed into the custom field. 

Example from a Requester's Point of View for a Date Custom Form Field:

The date form field has the requester select the date from a calendar. 

Example from a Requester's Point of View for a Checkbox Custom Form Field:

Checkboxes are great for simple Yes/No questions. 

Example from a Requester's Point of view for a List Custom Form Field:


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