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Configuring Funding Source Decisions on the Trip Request Form

The Funding Decisions section provides configuration options that control the trip request's funding sources and budget codes section—items such as if funding sources and budget codes are required and at what level.

To access the setting for Funding Source questions on the Trip Request Form, click in the top right-hand corner of your webpage, where you see the half-person icon. From the drop-down menu, select Settings.

On the left-hand side of the settings page, use the drop-down menu to select Trip Request Form and then Display/Hide.

Show Funding selection for requesters?

This question determines if trip requesters must select a funding source. If you do not want your teachers or other requesters to answer this question, set this option to "No." 

If you set this to "No" for requesters but still require the funding source, you can require approvers to provide a funding source using the settings below.

Funding Source is required for these trip types:

You can determine the requirement of a Funding Source by trip type. Check the box for each trip type that requires a Funding Source for your district.
An unchecked box means a funding source is not required for this trip type.

Allow two Funding Sources on trips?

This setting indicates if you can provide an additional funding source on the trip request.

This option is useful if the trip cost can be split between two funding sources. If this setting is Yes and two Funding Sources are indicated, both options will display on the invoice.

When this is used, the person responsible for payment will only be responsible for paying their portion of the invoice.

Require Budget Codes on Funding sources to be listed in Budget Code Table?

This option allows you to control if specific budget codes must be selected when the user is required to enter a budget code.

This setting is helpful if a district has all budget codes listed in the budget code setup table and would like users to pick from the list of budget codes.

The only exception is if you have a funding source set to have no budget code. If you want to require all entries to come from the budget code setup table, do not set a funding source with No Budget Code.

Allow Admins to select any Funding Source on a trip regardless of the Funding Source being location specific.

This setting allows admins to select any Funding Source for a trip, even if that funding source is tied to a specific location.

Budget Code is required for these Trip Types:

This option determines if a Budget Code is required for specific trip types. If you check the box next to any trip type, you must also select the level at which the budget code is supplied.

Example: if you indicate that the budget code needs to be supplied at the First Level Approval, then the trip cannot be approved at the first level without a budget code listed on the trip request.

If you require a budget code at the funding source level, this will only happen if the funding source has a funding manager listed. This is on purpose, as some funding sources may not want a funding approver listed. If you still want a budget code listed, we suggest you put the budget code in the funding source and let it default to that budget code when that funding source is listed.

Show message when allotment is depleted on Funding Source?

You can set an allotment amount on funding sources. Allotments are estimates based on outstanding trip requests and assignments.

If you set an allotment amount on a funding source, this setting will indicate if the user receives a message if the funding source is depleted. 

Click save once you make any changes.


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