This table allows you to create a list of common travel destinations for field trips.
Configuring Existing Destinations
To edit existing destinations, click
in the top right-hand corner of your webpage, where you see the half-person
icon. From the dropdown menu, select Setup Tables.
the left-hand side of the Setup Tables page, use the dropdown menu to select Destinations.
To edit an existing destination, click on the Destination name and make your edits.
See below for an explanation of all settings.
Creating a New Destination:
To create a new location, click the “+” button at the top left of the screen.
Set the category, name, and contact information for this location. You can use the “Active” checkbox to set a destination as active or inactive. Inactive will remove the destination from the Trip Request Form.
Type in the address for this destination. Entering the correct address is crucial. This address is used to generate the directions and estimate mileage for each trip.
Longitude and Latitude are not required. These fields populate after saving.
The Directions section is optional. If there are any special directions for this destination, include them here.
Once all information is set, click Save.
Deleting a Common Destination
To delete a destination, click the checkbox to the left of the destination name. Then, click the red Delete Destination button.
If you are sure you want to delete the destination. Follow the prompts and click yes.