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Configuring Trip Types and Rates

The Trip Types Setup Table determines your system's trip types and their cost per mile. This table also indicates the type of trips and vehicles each trip applies to. 

Configuring a Trip Type

To configure a trip type, its cost per mile, and the vehicles available for the trip type, click in the top right-hand corner of your webpage, where you see the half-person icon. From the dropdown menu, select Setup Tables.

On the left-hand side of the Setup Tables page, use the dropdown menu to select Trip Types.

To edit an existing Trip Type, click on the name and make your edits in the panel on the right. 

Creating a New Trip Type

To create a new Trip Type, click the + toward the top right of the Trip Types page.

Name your trip type and select the appropriate Category. 


"Travel with Students" and "Staff Only" are the only categories in Travel Tracker Trips.


The status will allow you to inactivate a particular trip type.  If a trip type is inactive, it will not display as an option on a new trip request. 


Available/Unavailable on Trip Request Form:

For a trip type of Special Invoices, you most likely would select "Do Not Display on Trip Form."  You will most likely want to set items like "Maintenance" or "Missing Mileage" to not be available on the trip request form.

Cost Per Mile: 

Determine your "Cost Per Mile." This is the default rate schools are charged by Transportation for using the vehicle for this type of trip. A cost-per-mile amount can be added for each trip type.

Planning Cost/Mile:

If a district does not charge for a type of trip (such as athletics) but wants to be able to evaluate the cost, an amount can be put in for the planning cost.  This planning cost is visible in the export to an Excel spreadsheet.  

Additional Cost/Mile: 

You can include an additional cost per mile.  You might use this to separate a specific mileage charge.  For example, a district might charge an additional $0.25 per mile to cover the cost of new activity buses.  

Standard Fee: 

The Standard Fee applies a designated amount to the trip cost according to the type of vehicle used.  For example, you might charge a standard trip fee if an Activity Bus is used.  This charge would be added to every trip that meets the trip type and type of vehicle(s) indicated.

Vehicle Types: 

For each trip type, you can select the vehicles available. 


You only need to select specific vehicle types for each trip type if there is a restriction. All active vehicle types will be displayed by default if no vehicle is selected. 

Once all settings are configured for the Trip Type, click Save. 


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