If you want requesters to indicate if they need a substitute for their trip, you can require them to answer this question. You can also enable it on the Trip Request Form, but leave it as optional.
Display/Require the Substitute Teacher Question
To display or require the Substitute Teacher question, click in the top right-hand corner of your webpage, where you will see the half-person icon. From the drop-down menu, select settings.
On the left-hand side of the settings page, use the drop-down menu to select “Trip Request Form” and then “Display/Hide.”
Expand the "Additional Information" section.
Determine if you want to display the substitute teacher question and if it is required for requesters. If required, requesters can only complete the Trip Request once they answer this question.
Click save once you make any changes.
Example from a Requester's point of view:
When filling out a Trip Request, staff are prompted to indicate if they need a substitute in the “General” section for the Trip Request form. If you make this a required question, they cannot submit the form without answering.