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Zone Settings for Locations

The setup for zones in the new TravelTracker-Trips is different from the older version. In the latest version, there are no setup tables for zones. Instead, zones can be created by typing them into the dropdown for the zone on the location or driver. 


For some districts, you may want to assign your drivers based on zones rather than restricting them to an individual school. Zones for trips are decided based on the assigned zone for the requesting or vehicle locations. 


*It is important to ensure that locations and drivers are assigned to the correct zones. Any drivers or locations assigned to incorrect zones may not show up correctly during the trip approval process. * 

Setting Up Zones at the Location Level

To assign a location to a specific zone, click in the top right-hand corner of your webpage, where you see the half-person icon. From the dropdown menu, select “Setup Tables.” 

This will automatically load the Locations table. If you are already on another table in the Setup Tables tab, use the dropdown menu to select “Locations.”

Changing Zone for an Existing Location

To change the zone for an existing location, click on the location name in the location list. 

Select an existing zone or type to create a new one for the location. Click save once you’ve made the appropriate changes.


*Ensure drivers are assigned to the same zone as this location. If these do not match, drivers may not show as available for the appropriate trips* 

Assigning a New Location to a Zone

To create a new location, click the “+ Create Location” button at the top left of the driver setup table. 

See this article for more information about creating new locations. 

Fill out the necessary information for the location. Select the correct zone in the dropdown menu or create a new one. Click save once you’ve added the required information for the new location. 


*Ensure drivers are assigned to the same zone as this location. If these do not match, drivers may not show as available for the appropriate trips* 

Creating a New Zone for a Location

If no existing zones apply to your location, creating a new one is easy. Rather than selecting a zone from the dropdown menu, type the new Zone name into the Zone box. After saving, this zone will be available for drivers and locations.

Click here to read the article for creating/setting zones at the driver level.


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